Les étapes du yoga par Patanjali
Les étapes du yoga par Patanjali
Voir ci dessous la présentation PPT.
Je vous invite à lire ces pensées de sagesse concentrées ( Yoga Sutra par Patanjali.) Même les psychologues de nos jours seront surpris que des milliers d’années auparavant, l’humanité a eu un tel niveau de compréhension.
Les tapas sont un effort continu et conscient pour atteindre un but spirituel. Par exemple: si nous avons un manque d’empathie, nous nous proposons d’être plus empathiques et nous pratiquons dans cette direction les techniques nécessaires. C’est un objectif intermédiaire accompli dans notre voyage vers le but suprême qui est la fusion avec la Conscience suprême. Cette conscience suprême a toutes les grandes qualités existantes et nous pouvons les obtenir l’une après l’autre.
Ces efforts doivent être faits si les conditions extérieures sont bonnes ou non.L’étude des textes sacrés signifie avoir des réflexions sur le Soi à travers toutes les expériences de notre vie et aussi apprendre sur soi par des livres sacrés.
En connaissant le Soi, nous connaîtrons tout.
Ishvarapranidhana: signifie un effort continu pour la contemplation de la Conscience suprême afin de se mettre en harmonie avec elle, afin de fusionner avec elle.
Quelqu’un a donné une excellente définition d’une posture: effort simultané de notre corps, notre esprit et notre âme pour vibrer à l’unisson avec l’infini.
Pour comprendre comment la posture fonctionne, vous devez savoir comment un piano est réglé. Un diapason génère des vibrations transmises par l’air qui mettent en résonance ou en vibration une corde du piano qui est déjà tendue. Une corde tendue ne vibre pas. Donc, notre corps doit être tendu pour être capable de vibrer.
Le diapason dans notre cas est un émetteur énergétique gigantesque dans l’univers (comme une énorme étoile). Et nous sommes la corde. Si nous sommes assez tendus par la posture physique, nous devenons être capables de vibrer avec ce diapason – l’énorme étoile énergétique qui existe dans Univers – et de recevoir de l’énergie à partir de celle-ci.
Un homme avec les épaules vers le bas est dépressif, mais un homme avec une posture droite a une approche enthousiaste et tonique de la vie.
I invite you to read yourself these amaysing concentreated wisdom thoughts for wich even psichologysts of our days will be surprised that thousands of years before ,humanity has a such level of comprehention: Yoga Sutra by Patanjli.
Patanjaly’s definition of yoga is :
“Yoga is the stopping/controlling of the fluctuation of the mind.”
Such a simple definition…. but it request a lot of efforts to be accomplished.
The stages of yoga by Patanjaly are divided in 2 groups: exoteric or exterior stages- and esoteric or interior stages.
The exterior stages are 5 .They start with yama and nyiama that are the rules for a yoghi to follow to be in harmony with the others and with himself.
They continue with physical postures and the control of the respiration.
The 5 stage makes the transition to the esoteric or interior stages and is the withdrawing of the senses into our being.
The esoteric or interior stages happens inside, they are qualities of our conciseness: concentration, meditation and superconsiousness , the last goal in yoga.
The nonviolence is a concept who starts with the negation of the evil- not killing, not having violent thoughts or violent intentions and arrive to the statement of the good like: love, kindness and friendliness.
One of the aspects of this concept is also that we oppose to the evil manifested by a human being , but we love that human being. (an example: we oppose to the alcoholism, but we love the person who manifest this vice).
The effect of following the non-violence concept is eliminating any kind of violence around you.
The truth is an aspect that must be reflected by our words and our actions.
Not speaking the truth can misguide others and ourselves in the end.
The truth in our world can be relative- tomorrow or in 10 years another or a bigger understanding relief to us. So it is better to say nothing if our actual truth can heart anyone.
Essentially the truth is our inner Consciousness. The effect of saying always the truth is the power to materialise what we are saying.
Non stealing- the third rule.
More than not stealing is not having desires for objects or exterior aspects. Once possesing the object of our desire our mind will want other and other and other things.
The real reachness is to be poor in desires and manifast a calm menttal state.
Brahmacharya: Literally means wise use of sexual energy, or retention or stopping or abstinence. There are 2 questions:
First one: How a human being use the sexual energy?
Answer: Physiologically the man eliminate sperm and women menstrual blood or other sexual fluids. But that fluids have a great energetic capacity if we think that an entire organism is created from 2 cells only,. And what people usually do? They throw away the huge energetic potential. And when entirely lost menopause and andropause arrive. Like a car that instead burn the gas throw it away. IS it wise?
The second question is: How we can use this energy in a better way?
The answer is : by transforming this sexual energy through yoga technics of transmutation and sublimation into superior forms of energy: superior affectivity, love, mental and supramental energies.
There are 2 ways to practice Brachmacharya: 1Abstinence – not having any sexual relationships- in this way it is avoided any lost of sexual fluids.
2 Sexual continence: having sexual relationship but not llosing the sexual fluids – sperm and feminine fluids and still having orgasms .
The sexual continence is known in the indian tradition like brahmacharya, in Chinese tradition of Tao in arabic culture like Imsak.
The advantage of the sexual continence is that the act of making love can continue indefinitely producing a huge quantity of inner energy and multiple orgasms.
Women can easily practice the sexual continence, for men requires more efforts and discipline in the practice of adequate yoga technics.
Non accumulation means to be content with what we have and prevent us to spent a lot of energy for preserving unnecessary things.
Following this rule the Universe will provide us what and when we need.
The effect acquired is the ability to see our previously lives because what stays after everything is gone (non-accumulated) is our Spirit who travel from a life to another.
The personal code is composed by the engagements of a yogi for himself.
Purity means cleansing the exterior by actions or technics of cleaning and purification, but most important is cleansing the mind of hatred , passion, anger, lust, greed, delusion and pride.
From a deep state of contentment is gushing a great state of happiness.
Being content is an inner quality , does not depend of the exterior. An wise man said: you can put me in hell but you can not take out the paradise from myself.
We can be equidistant from anything in life, accept everything that happened to us but being also prepared to adjust bad things. Every difficulty is an opportunity to grow.
We have to be happy with what we have rather that with what we don’t have.
The tapas is a continuous and conscious effort to accomplish a spiritual goal. By example : if we have a lack of empathy- we propose ourselves to be more empathic and we practice in this direction the necessary technics . This is an intermediary goal accomplished in our journey to the supreme goal that is the fusion with the Supreme Consciousness . This Supreme Consciousness has all the great qualities ever existing and we can get one after another.
These efforts must be done whether the exterior conditions are good or not.
Self study means to have reflections about the Self through all experiences of our life and also to learn about Self from the sacred books.
By knowing the Self we will know everything.
Ishvarapranidhana: means a continuous effort or contemplation of Supreme Consciousness in order to become attuned to it, in order to fuse with it.
Somebody gave an excellent definition of a posture: simultaneous effort of our body, mind and soul to vibrate in unison with the infinity.
For understanding how the posture fonction you have to know how a piano is tunned. A tunning furk or diapason generate vibrations transmited through air and that put in resonance or in vibration a rope of the piano who is already tensioned. An untentioned rope is not vibrating. So our body must be tentioned to be able to vibrate.
The tunning furk in our case is an gigant energetic transmitter spot in universe (like a huge star). And we are the rope. If we are enough tensed by the physical posture we become able to vibrate together with this tunning furk- the huge energetical star that exist in Univers – and recive energy from it.
We also must know that is a direct connection between our position of the body and our inner states and attitudes. Every muscles and tendon transmit impulses to the brain and the brain transmit impulses to theme. For this reason our inner state is reflected in our muscle tonus . And it is available also in the other sense: acting to muscle tonus we influence our inner state.
A man with the shoulders down is depressive, but a man with a straight posture has an enthusiastic and tonic approach of life.
We invite you to learn more and practice yoga together in our classe.